
Parish Councillor Vacancy April 2018

Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

Corston Parish Council is seeking a Corston resident who would be willing to be co-opted on to the Parish Council and serve as a Parish Councillor until the end of the present term of office which ends in May 2019.

If you would like any further information or to apply for the position of co-opted Parish Councillor please contact:

Councillor John Twist (Chair of Corston Parish Council) on 07799 036973 or

Mrs Lindy Leahy (Clerk to Corston Parish Council) at

Deadline for expressions of interest 30th April 2018

Corston Parish Council is a totally community focussed organisation and has the following objectives:

  1. To act in a fair and unbiased manner to represent the interests and concerns of residents and to improve the facilities available to the community in as far as its authority and resources allow.
  2.  Within the limits of the resources available to directly support local activities and functions acting as mediator, facilitator and contributor.
  3.  To maintain a close working relationship with B&NES Councillors and Officers in order to obtain the optimum level of local council services for the residents of Corston Civil Parish.

 John Twist

Chair Corston Parish Council

12 April 2018